Top SEO Factors

Top SEO Factors - 2024-03-26      Previous - Next

Understanding The Top Factors Data

We measure up to 2100 possible SEO factors and we use both Spearman's and Pearson's correlation coefficients to help identify likely ranking factors that may be contributing to the sort order of the search results. To date this method has been highly successful in helping top SEOs rank pages. The factors you see in this report are the strongest correlations of the 2100 factors. We continue to measure all possible factors because we don't know which factors will stop working or which factors will start working again. We still suspect we don't know all the factors. So in general, if it is measurable and plausible we will measure it going forward.


Any of the keyword variations, including the exact match, Google makes bold in the search results.

Search Terms

The exact match search terms you used in Google.


Any term that has a wikipedia page, GMB, MREID. These are nouns that Google's AI understands topically.

LSI Words

An industry misnomer. These tend to generally be statistically discovered entities. No two implementations of LSI are the same. SEOs use LSI words when entity recognition isn't available in their language. The lists tend to have a lot of overlap and they are used the same... just sprinkle them in your content.

Search Result

If a factor name mentions "Search Result" then that factor is measuring something about how the page is presented in the Google search results.

#1 Max Column

The maximum measurement found in the #1 position in Google.

Page 1 Avg Column

The average page 1 average across thousands of keywords in Google.

Keywords Column

The percentage of thousands of keywords that this factor was a strong correlation for.

Why are you sharing such valuable information?

We share the information because it helps our industry learn about SEO. The measurement facts about how pages in the number one rank position are tuned typically break people's belief-based assumptions about how search works. This information is very inefficient for SEO in general. People still need Cora SEO Software because the amount of each factor you need to compete will change from keyword to keyword and URL to URL. So the information in this report might be good for some keywords but it might be too little or too much for other keywords. At the end of the day SEO is about ranking efficiently, especially if you are a professional full time SEO. Tuning your page to the correct amount for your keyword competitors is the key to efficient SEO.

Some factors aren't meant to be tuned.

Some factors on this list are meant to inform us if Google is using certain algorithms or parts of algorithms. If you generally have no idea how to tune for something then skip it or go learn about it. If there are HTML tags, HTML attributes, or Schema Objects you don't know then please look them up before contacting us. W3Schools HTML Reference, Reference

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