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Compare TOP Entities Factor Months
2022-07 vs 2022-09

NameCorrelation#1 MaxPage 1 AvgUsage %Searches %
1Number of Distinct Entities Used   Diversity-0.29+0.01932893 %74 %
2Entities in Title Tag   Relevancy-0.22+0.027377 %67 %
3Up 8Entities in Sentences   Relevancy-0.2-0.0250910467 %96 %
4Up 6Entities in the HTML Tag   Relevancy-0.19-0.02154326169 %96 %
5Entities in Meta Description Tag   Relevancy-0.16+0.0210362 %63 %
6Down 3Has Entities in H2 Tags   Relevancy-0.16+0.011160 %66 %
7Down 1Has Entities in H3 Tags   Relevancy-0.16-0.011149 %63 %
8Down 1Title Tag Has Entities   Relevancy-0.15+0.011181 %55 %
9Down 5Has Entities in H1 Tags   Relevancy-0.15+0.011169 %61 %
10Down 2Meta Description Tag Has Entities   Relevancy-0.13+0.011164 %56 %
11Down 2Has Entities in H4 Tags   Relevancy-0.121126 %59 %
12Number Of JSON-LD Entity References   Relevancy-0.11+0.011215 %68 %
13Has Entities in H5 Tags   Relevancy-0.11110 %49 %
14Has Entities in H6 Tags   Relevancy-0.09115 %43 %