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CPXR022 - Variations in Caption Tags


Correlates the number of matches in the web page caption tags as a factor. The matches counted include any of the relevant hits highlighted by Google in the search results.

DifficultyEasyThis factor is considered easy to tune for in most cases.
Difficulty ReasonOn PageYou can generally open the page in a content management system, edit, and then hit publish to address.
Factor ClassRelevancyThis factor is believed to impact the relevancy of a web page.
Factor TypeKeywordsA factor regarding relevant exact match and variation keyword usage.
ZoneHTML TagThis factor is measured within the inner content of an HTML tag.
Match TypeVariationsThis factor is matching variations which includes the exact match.
MetricCountThis factor provides a count.
UnitsVariationsThis factor returns an amount of variations.

Google Organic Web Search Characteristics

CPXR022 - Variations in Caption Tags

C = Core Update, HC = Helpful Content Update, P = Product Reviews Update, L = Link Spam Update

CPXR022 - Variations in Caption Tags

C = Core Update, HC = Helpful Content Update, P = Product Reviews Update, L = Link Spam Update

CPXR022 - Variations in Caption Tags

C = Core Update, HC = Helpful Content Update, P = Product Reviews Update, L = Link Spam Update

CPXR022 - Variations in Caption Tags

C = Core Update, HC = Helpful Content Update, P = Product Reviews Update, L = Link Spam Update

CPXR022 - Variations in Caption Tags

C = Core Update, HC = Helpful Content Update, P = Product Reviews Update, L = Link Spam Update

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