Where does the data come from?

The data comes from the community of Cora SEO Software users. The software anonymously shares data about how the factors perform. We encode the search term with a one way hashing algorithm so the keywords still remain private. Every time a Cora report is run the community shared data is fed back into the Cora reports so users know how factors perform across large numbers of searches. We decided to share this data with the public as a community service.

Be wary of factors with little or no history!

These are new factors. They always look like they got stronger but without history they could be unchanged or even got weaker. New factors entering the system can be misleading. Don't make bold claims about factors with no history.

What do the data fields in the data tabes mean?

Factor Name This field has encoded information in it. Where possible we try to be a literal as possible with name but there are a few naming conventions to factors.
VariationsThis term means any combination of the words that Google makes bold in desktop organic web search results. This includes the exact match.
Exact MatchThis term means exactly the terms used to make a search.
Google ResultThis means the factor is measuring how the page is presented on the search result page.
MapsThis means the factor is specific to the Google Business Profile configuration.
EntitiesThese are nouns that generally have a wikipedia page. Collections of entities form topics. Example: crust, apple, sugar, cook time, flour = apple pie
LSI WordLSI words and entities represent the same thing. Words that co-occur on pages that rank well. Entities are discovered via NLP and LSI words are found statistically. Entity recognition is only available in about a dozen languages so if you are in a language that doesn't have them the use LSI Words because there is a lot of overlap or translate the entities from English.
Make Whole TagThis language means the whole content of the tag is exactly a term being measured.
LeadingThis language means the tag content starts with a match.
CorrelationThis is the correlation coefficient describing the relationship between rank position in Google and the factor being measured. Correlation coefficients describe the slope of the trend line if you were to plot a graph of rank positions on the X-axis and factor measurements on the y-axis. They tend to be negative for SEO Factors because the more of the factor you have the better you rank (meaning closer to position 1 in search). Correlations do not prove causation. The merely state if the factor measurements and rank positions appear to move together. Just so happens this works !@#$ing great in SEO. Correlation can reduce 12000 possible factors to just 2-3 dozen likely suspects. It makes your guesses in how to spend your time much better than they would otherwise be. Correlation coefficients range from -1 to +1 and for SEO Factors the closer to -1 the better.
#1 MaxThe maximum factor measurement found in the number 1 spot this month.
Page 1 AverageThe page 1 average factor measurement this month.
Usage %What percentage of the top 100 is generally using this factor.
Search %What percentage of searches had this factor as a significant correlation (95-99% significant)